Monday, March 4, 2013


I got my positive at-home test on Saturday! Actually, there was a very faint line, on a dollar-store test on Friday... I assumed it was just a cheap test. Saturday morning, I tried another dollar-store test and it was a little darker, but still very faint. Saturday afternoon, it was even darker. I showed daddy, and he saw it too, so we thought we were getting closer. The error-proof, not-so-cheap test verified it for us! You are on your way, baby Maserati! I will go to the fertility clinic today at lunchtime to get a blood test done, to check levels. They will probably check them again in a couple days to verify growth- they did with Hudson. I am so excited! And nervous!! I love you already, baby M, but is it even possible to love you like I do Hudson?!? Other moms of multiples say it is, so I am going to believe them and just imagine how much love I am truly capable of! This is going to be an amazing journey, darlin'. My calculations set you to be due on November 4, which means you will likely be here around Halloween! So exciting!! I told daddy we have to start brainstorming some awesome costume ideas, something where you can either be bump or baby! Thank you for choosing me, baby. I love you!

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