Monday, March 11, 2013

I am not a good secret keeper---

But I really am trying! Daddy and I decided that it would be fun to hold off until at least the ultrasound next Monday, but even better if we could wait another week and play a fun "April Fool's" joke. But... your Grandpa Beck knows. I seriously do not know how, but yesterday, he completely accosted me- "You have something you want to tell me, I see it in your eyes." WHAT?!? Daddy and I tried to play it off, but it seriously annoys me.
First of all, with our fertility troubles, I have learned how truly insensitive it is to prod someone about having babies. You don't know the story- maybe they don't want one; maybe they are struggling to have one; maybe they've actually lost one. It's none of your business. When we were trying our first time, I remember 2 specific examples that were just painful and I will never forget them. I suppose it is ok to tell someone they would be a great mom or dad, but it is never ok to ask them why they aren't or when they will.
Second, now, when we do announce, he's going to be all haughty and "I told you so..." Ugh.
Third, What if we truly weren't?!? I doubt this would just go away. What if we had decided to keep Hudson an only child?
Fourth, is he suggesting I look pregnant??? Fatty, fat, fat?? How rude!!! Why would you suggest such a thing to a person???
Oh, I am just so very bothered by it. He is supposed to babysit Hudson next week, and if he mentions it again, I am just going to tell him straight up how insensitive he is and how it's none of his business. I know he is just excited to be a grandpa and loves it and wants another shot at it, ("maybe with a girl?"), but it bugs me. Oh well. Just gotta remember that my own parents, your Grandma and Grandpa Perkins, were/are just as bad... I guess it just doesn't seem as intrusive because they are mine. The way Grandpa Beck approached  me and not your daddy just annoyed me, I guess. And the fact that I so want to tell everyone, but now I feel a stubbornness not to.

Guess we're all just excited to meet you....

love, mommy~

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