Monday, March 25, 2013

Telling the Grandparents!

So, on Friday night, I was ready to tell Grandma and Grandpa Perkins. Daddy and I went over there to visit and watch movies, and halfway through the night, we "remembered" the pictures out in the car. I ran out to get them and we gave both Grandma and Grandpa a set of the following picture collages. 
Grandpa looked at the first one and didn't realize there were two under it, so he said, "Neat!" and then tossed them aside. Daddy told him there were more under it, so he picked them back up. Meanwhile, Grandma is looking through them, oohing and ahhing at your adorable brother. Grandpa gets to the baseball one and gets it right away- "No way!" and we wait for Grandma. As she goes to put them down, we say "did you see the baseball one? Take another look..." and she does, and she just about loses it- "Are you pregnant??!" They were thrilled, of course!! Hugs and kisses followed and lots of "gosh, I can't think of anything else!" It went perfectly. A picture really is worth a thousand words... even if you have to write some words on it too. Look how happy we are! Aren't you thrilled to join this fun family?!? 

It didn't go quite as nicely with Grandpa Beck. Saturday morning, we went yard saling with him, then to an Easter Egg hunt. I was feeling rotten all morning long. You, little one, like to make me feel sick. Yuck. Anyways, during the prize collection after the hunt, your not-so-tactful Grandpa said to me "Saw a lot of crack out there today, yup. And it was all yours." as he roughly patted me on the back. Ugh. First of all- WHY? Why say a damn thing?? I was wearing a long shirt and coat, not much else I could have done about it. It happens to the best of us. Don't like it, don't look!! I was just annoyed, especially after another insensitive thing he said just last week. And combined with the patting that made me want to puke all over the people in front of me, I just couldn't take it anymore. I told him to stop it and that a lot of what he's been saying had been getting on my nerves. I wasn't exactly nice about it. He stomped off pouting. The drive home was miserable. He was mad at me, I was mad at him and Daddy is just the ever-peace-keeper. I motioned to Daddy that we had to tell Grandpa. Unfortunately, we had left the pictures at Gma and Gpa's house, so we had to quickly stop by there, as much as all of us wanted out of that tension-filled car. When we gave him the pictures, we had to explain it again- but Grandpa said "well, I asked you last week..." Exactly!! That was the other thing I was upset about- YOU DO NOT ASK!!! I felt like he had taken my surprise away. Plus, it's simply insensitive. NEVER, EVER ask a lady if she is pregnant, unless, perhaps, you can see the head emerging. Anyways, I think it will all blow over in due time and I know he is thrilled to get to be a Grandpa again. Mommy's just a little overly sensitive right now, and Grandpa's never been too subtle. It will be a funny story, one day!

Saturday night, we told Grandma Weezie and Grandpa Bob. We did the same thing- let the pictures tell the story. Again, they needed prodding to go back to the baseball one, haha. But once they got it, it was priceless! Grandma Weezie is so excited to have another little one to love and spoil... except we DO NOT call it spoil, just a lot of love! And that you are, little one, that you are, already!

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