Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sibling Bond

One side effect of pregnancy I suffer from is extreme emotions. I am a freaking cry baby! I went to the library today to get some books about being a brother for Hudson and ended up crying right there on the floor! I worry so much about how he is going to take the change. I know he will be the best brother, but I worry about what I am taking away from him by adding a baby- the time, the attention. Then I read these sweet books about all the fun siblings have and think back to my own childhood with Uncle AJ and find myself bawling. It really is a special bond that siblings have. I hope you and Hudson find that connection early on and hold onto it.

You will be the best of friends. Yes, you will fight. Probably a lot. Yes, you will resent each other. Yes, you will be jealous of each other. Yes, you will have days where you know Hudson is the favorite, just like he will have days that he knows you are the favorite. But even through it all, you will always have each others backs. You will always stick up for each other. You will share lifelong secrets. You will probably have a secret language that only the two of you will understand. You will find ways to drive me and daddy crazy. You will team up against me and daddy, and you might even win. You will share friends, you will fight over friends. Same with toys. But in the end, you will always share that bond and it will always be stronger than anything else. I am so excited to be able to give this to you, baby M!

love you,

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