Tuesday, April 30, 2013

13 weeks

Well little one, at 13 weeks, we have almost made it through the first trimester. At 13 weeks, you are 100% a beautiful little individual, fingerprints and all. If you are a baby girl, (and I think you are) you already have all of your eggs. At 13 weeks, this momma is feeling pretty good - physically.

But my emotions are kind of wild. I am freaking out about money, luckily, your sweet daddy is calming down about it. He's a good guy, that daddy of yours. He's afraid of having a baby girl, but I just know he would be the best daughter-daddy. And while we really don't favor one or the other, I truly do think you are a girl. It would explain a lot about how different I feel with this pregnancy. The couple of weeks of terrible "blah-ness" and nausea, and the fact that I am already almost 20 pounds over what I was pre-Hudson. (I don't know exactly where I was between Hudson and you, at least 10-15 lbs less than I am now...) I hate getting dressed in the morning because I am too fat for my regular clothes, but not fat enough for the maternity stuff I have. And I don't feel beautiful. Honestly, I remember feeling gorgeous everyday with Hudson, "glowy." It was the feeling most pregnant ladies envy and feel jealous of- enjoying my new curves, feeling feminine and amazing. I think you are a girl- we girls always worry about what we look like, and you are sure making me feel fat and sloppy. Guess we'll have to work on that together, huh? 'Cuz baby girl or baby boy, I never want you to beat yourself up over how you look and/or feel about how you look. You are beautiful- PERFECT. And I am too. I am a pinup mama. I need a good day of pampering and pretty-ness to remind myself of this I think. Sometimes we just need to do these things for ourselves. Remember that, k?

Anyways, I love you, my perfectly beautiful and unique baby Maserati,
love, Mommy!

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