Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's funny, even early on, when I wrote to Hudson, I always envisioned him as a person. A tiny person, a little baby, perhaps, but a person nonetheless. As I write to you, I am envisioning you as that tiny little shapeless form inside my womb. I suppose now that I have been through pregnancy before, I am looking forward to that stage as much as being a mommy again. Before, while pregnancy was an inevitable step, the goal was to have a baby. Now, the goal is to get pregnant.

I am excited to be pregnant again. I love knowing that my body is creating life. It is amazing to watch as my body changes to accommodate that life. I love how womanly and beautiful I feel when I am pregnant. And, in my ever humbleness, I must say, I am good at it. I am good at being pregnant, good at labor and delivery and awesome at being a mom. Well... I was last go-round. Let's keep with that theme, k? While I expect things to be a little different, I was perfectly happy with everything I experienced last time and wouldn't mind sticking close to that agenda. No actual morning sickness, just light nausea and smell aversions, swelling in the feet only in the 7th-8th months, an appropriate amount of weight gain, not too many cravings, and nothing too crazy, only one minor scare quickly reassured as all-was-well, and a quick, mostly painless and epideral-happy labor. Granted, I certainly wouldn't mind if you choose to keep your contract of 9 months, rather than skip out on the last months rent like your brother did, just for your own safety and security.

Well, little fetus-yet-to-be, tomorrow is the day. Our appointment is at 10:30. I am excited and hope that the doctor will simply go with what's worked and get us started.

Love you, little one!

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