Thursday, December 6, 2012

I love you

Baby Maserati, we are so excited to meet you!

I took my last birth control pill on 12/1. We have an appt. with the Dr. Swelstad on 12/12. This is a different doctor than the one we used with your brother, from the same company, but his officer is much closer to home. We are hoping he will just let us get started on the hormones (Femara) that helped us with Hudson. Now, thinking positively and maybe naively, if we are able to conceive immediately, (early January) you will be due right around the time Hudson was due, (mid September). And, if you are as impatient as he was, you may even share a birth month of August!

It is so much fun to think of all the fun you two will have together!! I know he is going to be an amazing brother. He will teach you all the things you need to know. He will want to help me and daddy with everything for baby. He is already saying "baby." I hope Grandma and Grandpa don't get wise to that... we want you to be a surprise!

Every little thing about Hudson's conception was planned out and everyone knew about it. With you, while we still have a lot of planning to do, daddy and I are keeping it hush-hush and even trying to convince Grandma and Grandpa Perkins and Grandpa Beck that we are perfectly happy with our little family of three (which we are) and not even sure we ever want to add to it (we definitely do!) I actually think they are starting to accept that. Of course, mama has had to tell a couple of close fellow-mama friends (Tami and Lacey) just 'cuz it is soooo exciting!

I LOVE being a mommy! And, pardon my humbleness, I am pretty dang good at it too. And daddy is a great daddy too. We love every moment with Hudson, love taking him places, doing new things with him, and showering him with love and attention. We can't wait to add you to these fun adventures!

Well, kiddo, I love you lots and am so excited for this journey!


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