Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Having a secret is fun... and oh, so hard!!

Your mama is soooo bad at keeping secrets! I want to scream from the rooftops that we are trying for a baby again! But then I think of how much fun it will be to surprise our loved ones. So, while I want to share with the world, I am only sharing with a few people, people who know it's a secret and/or don't see other people I don't want to know. Because, I've got to tell someone!

Your Aunt Sarah asked us yesterday when baby #2 would be here. I simply told her that we were happy with just us and might never have another. But, oh, I wanted to say "oh, September~ish if all goes as planned!"

I have been waiting all week excited and nervous about starting my period. Excited to get everything started, but nervous that it would be a day that the clinic was closed for appt setting or testing. See, when I do start, I have to call and make an appt for day 3 to do blood work. Because of the holidays, the office is closed some days. I might be able to go to Sandy, an hour + away, to get it done, but I really can't leave work to do it, so I just don't know. It would be ideal if I could start today, honestly.

The waiting is always the worst part... sure hope I don't have to do much of it!!! Love you, baby!


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