Monday, December 31, 2012

On Friday, December 28, I finally decided to call the doctor's office. TMI warning...

See, on Christmas, I had some spotting. And nothing since. So, since the 28th would be day 3 if we counted the spotting as day 1, I decided to call. They told me to come right over, and since their office and my office basically share a parking lot, I rushed over. The nurse practitioner Kim got me right in, did an ultrasound to check my uterine lining, measure my ovaries and see if we were ready to start. Everything looked good, so she gave me my prescriptions for Femara and Metformin and sent me on my way. My new best friend Kim made my whole weekend! Today, December 31, I have only 2 more Femara, which I will take tomorrow, "cycle day 7." On Friday, January 4 "cycle day 10", I start my routine of peeing-on-a-stick to check for ovulation. If/WHEN I get my smiley face, we call to schedule intrauterine insemination. So exciting!

*fun fact: On January 3, 2011, my pee stick smiled at me, and on January 4, 2011, we made your brother, Hudson. The first week of January is lucky for this mama!!!

I love you baby!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Having a secret is fun... and oh, so hard!!

Your mama is soooo bad at keeping secrets! I want to scream from the rooftops that we are trying for a baby again! But then I think of how much fun it will be to surprise our loved ones. So, while I want to share with the world, I am only sharing with a few people, people who know it's a secret and/or don't see other people I don't want to know. Because, I've got to tell someone!

Your Aunt Sarah asked us yesterday when baby #2 would be here. I simply told her that we were happy with just us and might never have another. But, oh, I wanted to say "oh, September~ish if all goes as planned!"

I have been waiting all week excited and nervous about starting my period. Excited to get everything started, but nervous that it would be a day that the clinic was closed for appt setting or testing. See, when I do start, I have to call and make an appt for day 3 to do blood work. Because of the holidays, the office is closed some days. I might be able to go to Sandy, an hour + away, to get it done, but I really can't leave work to do it, so I just don't know. It would be ideal if I could start today, honestly.

The waiting is always the worst part... sure hope I don't have to do much of it!!! Love you, baby!


Friday, December 21, 2012

Today was the last day of Provera!
A little TMI for ya... 
all I want for Christmas is my period!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Plan A-

Maserati, we got a plan in place! I am going to start Provera 10mg for 10 days to start my cycle. On day 1 of my cycle, I will call to schedule the following testing for day 3:

  • baseline ultrasound
  • blood tests
    • OAR
    • TSH
    • FREE T4
    • hgbAIC
    • Testosterone
      • ask about AMA?
You don't have to understand any of that- Heck, I don't even understand it. But, like I did with Hudson, I want to document all procedures and medications. 

After testing is done, they will give me a prescription for Metformin (Glucophage) and Femara. The same hormones I had with Hudson. We will do an IUI procedure, just like with your brother. Daddy and I are ready, so we are just jumping in head first. This is so exciting!! 

The doctor was a nice fella and I am excited to work with him. He said we will try this strategy for 3 months or so, and if we need to, we will try something else. But, with the luck of 12-12-12, we are thinking positive and wishing for quick results! 

We did learn one thing that kind of bummed me out- our OB/GYN, Dr. Randy Alejo, has moved out of state. He was wonderful and made my birthing experience a positive one. I sure hope we can find someone as personable and understanding as he was. Something I have learned from our first go-round though- if I don't like the doctor, I WILL NOT stay with them. Our first OB/GYN was terrible and I stuck it out for 6 months. Changing to Dr. Alejo was the best thing I did and I will not hesitate to do it ever again. Pregnancy is important and delicate and should be treated as such, so I will find a doctor who agrees and makes me feel that way. 

And so, here we go! Good luck to US, baby Maserati! 


I hadn't thought about it when I made the appointment, but today is 12/12/12. I am not a superstitious person, but, I had to smile when the radio said today was a day of "rebirth" and "positive change." I sure hope so!! Seems like a good day to start this new adventure!

Love you, baby Maserati!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's funny, even early on, when I wrote to Hudson, I always envisioned him as a person. A tiny person, a little baby, perhaps, but a person nonetheless. As I write to you, I am envisioning you as that tiny little shapeless form inside my womb. I suppose now that I have been through pregnancy before, I am looking forward to that stage as much as being a mommy again. Before, while pregnancy was an inevitable step, the goal was to have a baby. Now, the goal is to get pregnant.

I am excited to be pregnant again. I love knowing that my body is creating life. It is amazing to watch as my body changes to accommodate that life. I love how womanly and beautiful I feel when I am pregnant. And, in my ever humbleness, I must say, I am good at it. I am good at being pregnant, good at labor and delivery and awesome at being a mom. Well... I was last go-round. Let's keep with that theme, k? While I expect things to be a little different, I was perfectly happy with everything I experienced last time and wouldn't mind sticking close to that agenda. No actual morning sickness, just light nausea and smell aversions, swelling in the feet only in the 7th-8th months, an appropriate amount of weight gain, not too many cravings, and nothing too crazy, only one minor scare quickly reassured as all-was-well, and a quick, mostly painless and epideral-happy labor. Granted, I certainly wouldn't mind if you choose to keep your contract of 9 months, rather than skip out on the last months rent like your brother did, just for your own safety and security.

Well, little fetus-yet-to-be, tomorrow is the day. Our appointment is at 10:30. I am excited and hope that the doctor will simply go with what's worked and get us started.

Love you, little one!

Monday, December 10, 2012

I forgot how much fun it can be to try to conceive. Daddy and I are baby-makin' whenever we can. The last time we were trying, with Hudson, it got to be a chore, something we had to do at a certain time, and always felt pressured to do it "right". Then, with your brother and all the energy he uses up, practice baby-makin' has been hard to fit in. Daddy and I are frisky again, which makes us fall in love again. I love that man. I can't wait to make him a daddy again!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I love you

Baby Maserati, we are so excited to meet you!

I took my last birth control pill on 12/1. We have an appt. with the Dr. Swelstad on 12/12. This is a different doctor than the one we used with your brother, from the same company, but his officer is much closer to home. We are hoping he will just let us get started on the hormones (Femara) that helped us with Hudson. Now, thinking positively and maybe naively, if we are able to conceive immediately, (early January) you will be due right around the time Hudson was due, (mid September). And, if you are as impatient as he was, you may even share a birth month of August!

It is so much fun to think of all the fun you two will have together!! I know he is going to be an amazing brother. He will teach you all the things you need to know. He will want to help me and daddy with everything for baby. He is already saying "baby." I hope Grandma and Grandpa don't get wise to that... we want you to be a surprise!

Every little thing about Hudson's conception was planned out and everyone knew about it. With you, while we still have a lot of planning to do, daddy and I are keeping it hush-hush and even trying to convince Grandma and Grandpa Perkins and Grandpa Beck that we are perfectly happy with our little family of three (which we are) and not even sure we ever want to add to it (we definitely do!) I actually think they are starting to accept that. Of course, mama has had to tell a couple of close fellow-mama friends (Tami and Lacey) just 'cuz it is soooo exciting!

I LOVE being a mommy! And, pardon my humbleness, I am pretty dang good at it too. And daddy is a great daddy too. We love every moment with Hudson, love taking him places, doing new things with him, and showering him with love and attention. We can't wait to add you to these fun adventures!

Well, kiddo, I love you lots and am so excited for this journey!
