Tuesday, September 10, 2013

32 weeks!

Well, precious girl, you are still perfect as ever. You even gave us a tiny peek at your perfect face! You are weighing about 3 1/2 lbs (while I am weighing 202... doesn't seem very fair!!) and measuring right about where you should be. I passed my glucose test last time and my blood pressure looks good. I have a few more weeks of progesterone shots, and then just a few more weeks til you are here in my arms! It amazes me how quickly time has gone! When we make it past September 30, you will have proven yourself more patient than Hudson. When we make it past October 14, you will have gone to term. So let's do it. October 14 is right around the corner anyways, and I am not in any true hurry- my excitement can last as long as you can!  I have to admit, though, that I am scared. Not that you will come too early- I truly believe you can hang in there (I believe it until my 2am potty runs, then I fear to high hell!) but that when it does happen, maybe I won't know! What if my water doesn't break?? Doctor said it probably wouldn't. What if I don't feel contractions until I am dialated to a 5 or 6 again?? Or, worse, what if I start feeling pain and contractions when I am merely at a 1? What if you really do take your sweet time?? Maybe you are a 42-weeker??!?? Maybe you are a 24-hour kinda gal?! Oh, baby girl, it really is scary. I've been through it before. I know I can do it again. And I know that once the epidural is in, all is well. But WHAT IF?!? Oh, well, can't think about that. Just gonna keep telling myself that you are coming at 38 weeks and it will be perfect. Yup. Just like you.

I love you darling girl!!!!

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