Thursday, July 11, 2013

Definitely a GIRL, perhaps even a princess?

My precious Bentley Louise! We had our "targeted" ultrasound today where they do the 3D view and measure everything. As usual, you are perfect. You are measuring at 22 weeks and 6 days, due on November 8- My calculations show that you are 23 weeks and 3 days, due on November 4, so you are right on track. But you are still bashful! You absolutely refused to show us that darling face of yours, shooing us away with your hands. Silly girl. We know that you are beautiful and are in no hurry to see you, you just take your sweet time precious girl and grow strong. Just know that mommy and daddy love you and are so excited to meet you! And mommy is thrilled now to have your sex verified... it's the ultimate "Go-Ahead" for me to start stocking your little wardrobe! Beautiful, Bashful Bentley, you are loved!

love, mommy

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