Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Little reminders that I am not alone

"I am not Alone"

Running errands and talking on the phone,
I am pleasantly reminded that I am not alone.
Little tiny hands, a precious rounded knee
pushing and twisting that no one can see.
Oh sweet child kicking up your heels,
it is our little secret that only I can feel.
I look forward to your birth,
when I can kiss your skin,
but for now I will just smile,
As I feel you play within.
Author: Unknown

More and more now I am feeling your little wiggles, and loving every minute of it! Daddy and I had a date night the other day to see an old friend perform in a local play. I had a great time and was high on love for that daddy of yours. There was music and dancing and lots of laughter. I was feeling nostalgic. I don't know what you liked best about the night, but I could feel you dancing right along inside me. It was amazing. I can't wait til daddy can feel these wiggles, I love when we would snuggle and he would just embrace my belly with Hudson.

There are other, not so pleasant reminders that I am not alone though too. I still feel yucky somedays, just moments of a nasty taste in my mouth or queasiness in my belly. I will start to eat my lunch or dinner and suddenly realize that it's not what I wanted- or rather, what you want. You do not like meat much. Poultry is ok, and you crave grilled hamburgers but other beef or pork just sounds chewy and disgusting. You like veggies like salads, carrots and asparagus. You also like cookies... well, I'm blaming you anyways. I get that yucky feeling in my mouth when doing nasty chores like washing old dishes or cleaning out the fridge at work. We haven't had any other overwhelming smells, thank goodness, but that may just be because it's allergy season.

Last week, my back started hurting and it really hasn't stopped since. It fades away for awhile, but if I get up quick or without thinking about it, it aches.

At about the same time as my back pain, I started the official pregnant waddle. I don't exactly know why, maybe it distributes my weight differently or something, but I've just noticed that it's not a regular walk. Daddy's noticed too and is teasing me.

I am noticing that it is getting harder for me to rest on my belly at bedtime and know that my days are limited. Ugh. I remember all too well how hard this was. Side-sleeping is fine, except that an arm or hand always falls asleep and tingles, and sometimes I feel like I am going to tip right over. Back-sleeping is just tough. But it's all worth it. That is something else I know all too well.

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