Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Well, that was weird...

I woke up early this morning. I did the dishes, put in some wash and even scrubbed the couch a little. I curled my hair, did my makeup and even felt good about how I looked. I thought to myself- "Ah. I have arrived, I have hit my pregnancy glow." I was happy.

The rest of the morning was normal. Dropped Hudson off to Grandma's. Wished Grandma a Happy Birthday. Made lunch plans with Grandma. Went to work. Bored at work. Same old, same old.

Until just now. I went into one of the small interview rooms to play on the computer for a bit before I meet Grandma and Hudson. And I smelled something. A cologne-y, perfume-y smell. Nothing especially appealing or disgusting. But it stuck with me. And as I walked to my desk, I felt it. I knew it was going to happen. I knew I couldn't stop it. I puked. Luckily, I had a garbage can. But I puked. A LOT. And now I am fine. And intend to enjoy my lunch with Grandma... hopefully.

Please, baby, do not push anything else up, k? I do NOT want to do that again. Yuck.

Love you,
love, mommy!

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