Thursday, May 16, 2013

You're a GIRL!!!

Well... 85% sure of it anyways. You were in a weird position, upside down and backwards, so we didn't get a good look at anything but your spine, but what we saw indicates that you are a precious little girl. I thought so. We all did, with as different as you have been from your brother. We are so excited to meet you, little lady! Ms. Bentley Beck. Yes, I do like the sound of that. Daddy and I are pretty sure we have a middle name picked out- Louise, after your Grandma Weezie. Bentley Louise Beck. Yup. That'd work. 
Daddy is a little nervous to have a little girl, honestly. He's afraid our house is going to be littered in pink and dolls and ruffles. Silly daddy. I told him that little girls can play with cars and dinosaurs. I am just waiting to see what his first "girly" purchase will be. I hope you are a daddy's girl right from the start. We need a daddy-clinger, with your bubba being such a momma's boy. Of course, if you choose me as a favorite too, I certainly wouldn't mind. I love my babies and am sooooo thrilled to be your momma!!

I love you, love,

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Still waiting!

Oh my goodness, has the clock moved at all?!?

I forgot to mention that I felt you flutter last night. I've felt you before, just the tiniest of flitters, and once your wildly beating heart, but last night was beautiful. I felt so peaceful with you, so together. It was like you were reassuring me for today so that I wouldn't be worried like I was last time. You just wanted your mama to know you were there, didn't you? Just wanted me to know that you know how excited I am and how much I love you. Thanks baby M!

Love you,
love, mommy!

Boy or Girl?!?

Oh my goodness, baby M, I am just going crazy waiting for my appointment today! Please, baby baby, don't be shy today. Please, litte one, give us a glimpse, let us start our preparations! We want to know- are you a baby Lincoln or a baby Bentley?!? I promise I will not be the least bit disappointed either way. I just want to know! It's a proven fact that daddy and I make beautiful, perfect little boys, so one more certainly cannot hurt. Or, give us a chance to prove our excellence in baby girls too. Either way, I am just soooo excited that I get to do this again!! I am feeling SOOOOOOO much better lately. I feel pretty, I feel happy, I feel glow-y. I love when your brother climbs up on me and says "baby!" and drums on my belly. I swear he is already starting in on sibling rivalry, jumping all over you and pounding on you. But I also know that he is going to love you soooo much and take such good care of you. Oh, baby M, I love you so much already!!

Love, mommy!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Well, that was weird...

I woke up early this morning. I did the dishes, put in some wash and even scrubbed the couch a little. I curled my hair, did my makeup and even felt good about how I looked. I thought to myself- "Ah. I have arrived, I have hit my pregnancy glow." I was happy.

The rest of the morning was normal. Dropped Hudson off to Grandma's. Wished Grandma a Happy Birthday. Made lunch plans with Grandma. Went to work. Bored at work. Same old, same old.

Until just now. I went into one of the small interview rooms to play on the computer for a bit before I meet Grandma and Hudson. And I smelled something. A cologne-y, perfume-y smell. Nothing especially appealing or disgusting. But it stuck with me. And as I walked to my desk, I felt it. I knew it was going to happen. I knew I couldn't stop it. I puked. Luckily, I had a garbage can. But I puked. A LOT. And now I am fine. And intend to enjoy my lunch with Grandma... hopefully.

Please, baby, do not push anything else up, k? I do NOT want to do that again. Yuck.

Love you,
love, mommy!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 14- second trimester!

Sweet Maserati, we've made it 1/3 of the way there! It's funny, sometimes it seems like I forget you're there, but in all actuality, I cannot STOP thinking about you. It's surreal. I am so blessed to be able to do this again. I (hopefully!) get to find out if you are a Lincoln (boy) or a Bentley (girl) next Wednesday. It cannot come soon enough!! I want to hear your strong heartbeat and see your beautiful little face again. Everyone who sees the picture from our last appt. was so amazed at how clear it was, how darling you are. They think you look like a little "toddler" just curled up in a carseat. They also think you have lots of dark hair. I don't know, but what I do know is that you are precious and perfect and LOVED. Stay strong, little one, grow healthy, little one, and know that you are adored already.

Love, mommy!