Friday, October 25, 2013

Pins and Needles

You have us all on pins and needles, little lady! Every time I make a call to Grandma or daddy, it's "Is it time??" Everyone is waiting for "the call." And me? I am going C-R-A-Z-Y wondering "was that a contraction? Should I start timing?" and just praying for my water to break because it's what I know. I am soooo afraid of waiting too long and getting to the hospital too late to have my epidural. This momma does not need to experience "natural childbirth"- or pain. This momma loved her last delivery and hopes for another one to remember fondly. We are all soooooo excited to meet you, hold you, love you! But, we can wait. If we must. At least until Monday- when they are inducing me at 9am... if you decide to wait that long. Ya know, it's a beautiful Friday, and I am pretty much wrapped up at work, so if you want to come now, I am totally ok with that.... ;)

Love you lots and lots and lots!
love, mommy!

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