Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Deja Vu

August 19, 3 am- Deja Vu! Let me just tell you, little one, when you woke me up at 3 am to pee on your brother's birthday, I had the scariest Deja Vu moment. I was certain that if I got out of bed my water would break. I was terrified because I knew that it was much too early, even earlier than your brother's 5 week surprise arrival. I tried several times to just ignore the pressure, to roll over and go back to sleep. But you were quite adamant about resting on my bladder and making me wake up. I waddled to the bathroom, honest-to-God praying that nothing would happen. I nearly woke your daddy up, just in case. Then I have been having these pressure pains in my lower left pelvis area, and I started fretting that they might be contractions. Truthfully, I don't remember contractions- I barely felt them, and even then only when I was in active labor and very much aware that they were happening anyway. I let myself fret for a few minutes, then I made myself calm down. And finally, I went back to sleep.

Oh, sweet girl, as excited as I am for you to come home to me, I am also very much aware that you need your prep time. You prep all you need little lady! I am in no rush and would rather you were perfect and healthy than just here. Anyways, I need a little more nesting time. I am actually much more prepared this time around all ready, but I want to have your bed ready, your car seat cleaned, your clothes washed and neatly organized. I want you to come home to a home ready for you, I want your brother to have some preparation and not be surprised. I want daddy and I to be able to relax when you do arrive. So let's not Deja Vu anymore, ok? Other than the 6 hours of labor and delivery with no complications, and perhaps the early morning hours, let's do it completely different than we did with Hudson. Let's plan for after October 14 (my 37 week mark), closer to the first week of November (my due date); let's plan for it to happen while all grandparents are in town; let's plan for you to be placed directly into my arms; and let's plan for you to go home with us in the shortest amount of time possible. If we're being picky, let's also plan for it to happen on a Thursday or Friday... that gives daddy a few days with us before he goes back to work! ;)

I love you, darling girl, but I can wait to meet you.
Love, mommy!!

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