Wednesday, August 6, 2014

9 months old!

Beautiful girl! You are growing up so fast! You are perfect, pretty, silly, sassy and fun. And definitely a mama's girl. That's not to say that you don't have daddy wrapped around your finger.

Anyways, we had your 9 month appointment and you are growing right as expected. Honestly, I wasn't there when they weighed you because I was running late and daddy took you, so I don't have a number. But doctor did say it was right on track. And that you are perfect. She won't write that in the records, but we all know it anyways.

You eat everything. You love nursing still and have a special cry just for it. But you also love food. Turkey, mashed potatoes, oranges, peaches, and especially popsicles and icecream.

You crawl so fast and are not even deterred by concrete or grass. And you are so ready to walk. I have no doubt you will be walking without the walker or help from the couch in a month's time.

You make clicking sounds with your tongue and love to squeal. And you say "Mama"! You are starting to say dada, and grandma swears you can say "poppop" for Grandpa, though I have yet to hear it.

Your hair still goes from red to blonde. But those blue eyes are unmistakable and you just get prettier! Even with the big bump on your noggin that you got at grandma's house.

Anyways, here's some milestone pics, since I apparently haven't been posting them... (they aren't in order...)

Well, I guess that about catches us up. You will have to stop growing for awhile now while I settle in to my new teaching job, if you don't mind. I just can't see myself having time to document all the milestones coming up and I can't not, so the only answer is for you to stop growing for a bit. 

I love you precious girl and I love that I am already your best friend and hope I always will be, even when I have to be mean and set boundaries. 


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