Sunday, October 18, 2015

Almost 2!!!

Bentley Louise Beck! That's what you hear more often than not anymore, as you are climbing up on something or getting in to something. You are a handful and a half! But you are my precious, sweet baby girl. And you are almost 2.
As we approach your 2nd birthday next week, I feel some shame in the fact that you are still nursing. But more than that, I feel love. I love that there is still one thing that only I can do for you. You have so much love in your life and so many people to care for you and tend to you that I fear you may not need your mommy. But right now, you still do. When you sign to me, with pouty lips and that distinct cry. And then you curl into my lap and gaze at me with those baby blues. As you are nursing, your little hands embrace my chest or curl my hair, your eyes seem to say that you do still need mommy- that you have been waiting for me all day. Your body is immediately calmed and it gives me the excuse to be calm with you and stop everything else- I can't make dinner and nurse; I can't empty the dishwasher and nurse; I am able to just BE with you. It's my favorite part of the day. I don't know how much longer this special bond will continue, but I want you to know how much it means to me. I want you to know that I will always do what is best for you and will always be there for you.